What We Do...


We are the Auxilliary Communication Team for the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

We assist the HCOHSEM during Planned Events, Emergencies, Deployments, Drills, Trainings, and Natural Disasters.

In addition to our personal communication equipment, we utilize a dedicated Radio Operations Room at Houston TranStar.

Who We Are

Sherwin klemp k5sek

Sherwin Klemp is the District EC for all of Harris County's 4 quadrants.

John Sawyer KD5U

John Sawyer is the EC for Harris County ARES D14 NW.

Lee Glassman Wa5lee

Ham Licensed since 2007, Lee Glassman has experience on the Pro side as well as the Ham side, having been a NYC FF/Paramedic, an EMS/PD Dispatcher, and a Motorola Technician for the last 40 years. Current certifications include:
Loves to pay it forward by instructing/training others...

Walt Sepaniak N5TQ

Walt has been involved with emergency communications for the past 10 years, starting in ARES and moving up to AUXCOMM. He has supported the county through several disasters volunteering at HCOHSEM. He is also active in Air Force MARS and is exploring membership in SHARES. Professionally, Walt works full-time for a software company as an enterprise architect. 1. AUXCOMM certification 2. Core and Leadership IS courses 3. ARES leadership 4. Air Force MARS operator (SHARES membership pending) 5. Experienced at TranStar during disasters 6. Extra-class license 7. HF, VHF, and UHF go-kits with Winlink capability

maybe you??

Want to join our team? Contact us for Training requirements!